Where to talk to Characters to receive free items in Fortnite

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Saturday, April 13, 2024

Characters (NPCs) have been everpresent on the island since Fortnite Chapter 1. They inhabit the island and bring it to life. Players can run into Characters during gameplay and interact with them to obtain a few nuggets of information, purchase items or services from them, and even receive free items. Although there's no telling what items players will receive for free, they may come in handy occasionally.

As part of the "This Season" Challenge for week twelve, you will have to talk to five Characters (NPCs) to receive free items in Fortnite. While they aren't too talkative and barely have anything to say, completing the task will yield 25,000 experience points.

Step-by-step guide on where to find and interact with Characters (NPCs) to receive free items in Fortnite

To complete this challenge, players will have to do two things: Land next to a Character (NPC) and interact with them to receive free items.

1) Landing next to a Character (NPC)

Find a Character (NPC) and walk up to them to interact (Image via Epic Games/Fortnite)

The first step of the challenge is very basic in nature. You will have to land next to a Character (NPC) that's present on the island. There are many to be found, but not all of them will grant free items.

Some are part of certain Seasonal Quests and may not take too kindly to being pestered. That said, here is a list of Character (NPCs) that can be interacted with and where to find them:

  • CRZ-8 - Bamboo Circle
  • Serenade - Marine Monoliths/Mossy Monoliths/Mountain Monoliths
  • Evie - Knotty Nets
  • Dahlia - Beep 'N Bounce
  • Garrison - Watery Watch
  • Styx - The Herald Tree
  • Longshot - Royal Ruin
  • Spider-Gwen - Slappy Shores
  • Mizuki - Eastern Watch
  • Highwire - Kenjutsu Crossing
  • P33ly - Pleasant Passage
  • Renzo The Destroyer - Brutal Bastion
  • Polar Patroller - Icy Islets
  • Imani - The Autumnwood
  • Remedy - Secluded Spire
  • Insight - Cold Cavern
  • Stray - Mega City
  • Munitions Expert - Breakwater Bay
  • Sunflower - Frenzy Fields
  • Sludge - Steamy Springs
  • Thunder - Lotus Lookout
  • Triage Trooper - Crusty Crates

2) Interacting with them to receive free items

Interact to receive free items (Image via Epic Games/Fortnite)

After locating a Character (NPC), to receive free items, you must interact with them to seal the deal. Remember that each Character (NPC) will only give free items once per match and player. On that note, if your inventory is full when the free items are given, they will be dropped on the ground for you to manually pick up.

In general, it's ideal to talk to Characters (NPCs) at the start of the match as they often drop Small Shield Potions and other utility or mobility-based items. These will come in handy during early-game fights and skirmishes.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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