The hair transplant doctor responsible for the Premier League's thickest locks

Posted by Trudie Dory on Tuesday, May 28, 2024

In the Vancouver consulting room of the surgeon Dr Victor Hasson, many Premier League players and the occasional manager have sat, although he does not rebuild knees, reattach torn hamstrings or graft new ligaments in place.

“I have worked on players whose lives have been changed,” he says. “They are able to perform at a high level when they have that confidence. It’s an abstract kind of decision to have surgery but essentially when you feel comfortable, and you feel and look good, it is tremendous to have that confidence.”

Hasson is a hair transplant surgeon – and in the Premier League and beyond in European football, hair transplants are big business. Some players and managers’ surgery is obvious, and a few have even discussed it publicly. Most prefer to be more discreet. In Premier League training grounds and on players’ WhatsApp groups, the names of surgeons like Dr Hasson and his practice partner Dr Jerry Wong are discussed. Hair transplants have become so commonplace that in 2009, the two major drugs taken in conjunction with the surgery were removed from the list of banned substances.

Hasson, talking to Telegraph Sport on video call from Canada, will not disclose the identity of his patients but all football knows his most famous. That is Antonio Conte, who has perhaps the most celebrated transformative hair transplant in the game. The Premier League-winning manager previously had two surgeries in his native Italy before he turned to Hasson to find a solution.

Conte, 53, whose hair loss began as a player in his twenties, has spoken rarely about his surgery. When he was Juventus manager there were attempts to ridicule him with a trope among comedians and opposing fans that he had a cat on his head. Conte was unmoved. He told an Italian television interviewer that he had gone to Vancouver for surgery and was very happy with the results.

In London, at the Wimpole Clinic on Harley Street, they have a Conte equivalent who is the poster boy for the work of surgeon Dr Luciano Sciacca. That is the Arsenal defender Rob Holding, 27, whose rapidly thinning hairline has been the subject of a transformation even more impressive than his club’s recent evolution into title contenders. From a balding scalp, Holding now requires an Alice band to prevent a lustrous head of golden hair tumbling in front of his eyes.

The full effects of Rob Holding's hair transplant have been seen this season

Michael Panayiotis Kokotsis, the Wimpole Clinic’s marketing manager, says that the Holding effect has been considerable. “For Rob, the result was absolutely fantastic. He has been great for our business because lots of young men are looking at him [losing his hair] and saying, ‘Wow, that’s me’.” Holding has been open about his surgery, which is, by its very nature, hard to miss. On World Mental Health Day in October, Holding tweeted about how his new hair had benefited his mental health. Kokotsis says it struck a chord with many young men.

“He [Holding] was very open about it. Every time he plays, I see a spike in our analytics. On the day he scored that headed goal against West Ham [May 1 last year], it went through the roof. People see him and he is a walking advertisement for what a fantastic hair transplant looks like.”

The scrutiny of the appearance of footballers, young and experienced, is fundamental to the boom in hair transplants. Premier League players are on our televisions as regularly as any other public figure. They sweat and strain for every ball, in rain, wind and sunshine in front of high-definition cameras. What they look like might not matter to all of them. But, unlike their predecessors from decades past, all are subject to the unfiltered opinions of social media.

“People are not afraid to comment,” Hasson says. “Really you have to have a fairly strong personality to ignore that and embrace baldness. There are a few people who can do it but most people prefer to maintain the youthful look.” He finds himself watching sport and imagining what he could do to transform some of the most famous retreating hairlines and balding pates. “I look at [tennis star Rafael] Nadal and every year it’s getting worse,” he says. “I think, ‘Wow, if I could get my hands on that guy…’”

The stigma of baldness in football is nothing new. English football’s greatest son, Bobby Charlton, played the majority of his career with the 1960s solution to hair loss: the combover. Hasson’s most celebrated patients tell him that performing or coaching at the elite level requires the projection of confidence - and that confidence flows from their own state of mind.

“[One patient] felt he was in the public eye and the look he had wasn’t consistent with the image he wanted to project,” Hasson says. “He told me, ‘This [the hair transplant] has ultimately changed my life’.”

The technology (see above) is now sufficiently developed. For most footballers the cost is incidental. By way of example, restoring a hairline at Hasson’s clinic will cost the equivalent of £9,600 to £12,900; rising to £17,700 for the zone behind it and up to £20,000 to £24,000 for the top of the head and crown. There are other considerations, such as the hair-loss drugs that accompany surgery to prevent further balding away from the transplanted follicles.

In 2009, the World Anti-Doping Agency took the anti-hair loss drug finasteride off its list of prohibited substances. It had been used in the past as a masking agent for steroid use. The Brazilian great Romario failed a domestic doping test in 2007 having tested positive for finasteride, later saying he was using it to treat hair loss. He was 41 at the time and playing occasionally for Vasco de Gama. Some patients have suffered erectile dysfunction as a result of taking finasteride. Hasson says that the industry is moving towards topical creams to treat the problem, as opposed to pills.

Hasson is reluctant to enter into a discussion on the aesthetic merits of Wayne Rooney’s first hair transplant in 2011, but he does say that the former England captain’s willingness to discuss it publicly had a transformative effect. “He removed the stigma,” Hasson says. “Even in Canada people were talking about hair transplants because of it. What Rooney did was a great service for men in general.”

Wayne Rooney had his first hair transplant in 2011

At his clinic, Kokotsis agrees, although he says that the inflated cost generally attributed to Rooney’s transplant – £30,000 – might discourage those not on Premier League wages. He says the average price of a hair transplant in Britain is around £5,000.

There are a few in football, such as Conte, Rooney, Holding and Jurgen Klopp, who have been open about their hair transplants. Others are reluctant to discuss it, even if the results are very much intended to be noticed. 

Jurgen Klopp publicly acknowledged his procedure

The technology is now fairly commonplace. What separates those Champions League-standard transplants from those that are, frankly, lower league is, Hasson says, the skill and experience of the surgeon. “It comes down to the artistry,” he says. “Every hair has to be put in a certain position, in a certain direction and angulation. If a single graft has three hairs side by side, you might compare it to laying a roof tile. Would you put that tile on its side, or would you lie it flat to cover more space?”

Now more than 12,000 surgical procedures into his career, many of Hasson’s more famous patients evidently trust in his experience. Attention to detail, keeping exactly the right spaces between the lines, and practice honed by formidable levels of repetition - it sounds like Conte or Klopp drilling their players on team shape. Another similarity is that the results are staring us all in the face at Premier League stadiums, every week.
