Jennifer Garner gets locked out of car by her two year old

Posted by Patria Henriques on Monday, June 3, 2024

Jennifer Garner had a mommy’s moment of panic while out shopping yesterday in Brentwood with her daughter Violet, 2 and a half. Violet got into the family Lexus while clutching the key, locking herself inside. Garner was able to tell her daughter how to open the door, and she finally managed to do it after about two minutes. There were enough photographers there to help if it came to that, but it’s still got to be stressful to get locked out of your car by your two year old.

My son is now three and a half and he gets a huge kick out of locking me out on the porch. He knows how to unlock the door, but he stands there and laughs for a while until he decides to let me back in. I try to act like I don’t care so that he doesn’t have any incentive to do it again.

Thanks to the Daily Mail for the heads up on this story.
