EXCLUSIVE Q&A: Traveller talk 'Old Stories', their new sound and life since 'All This Time'

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Friday, May 24, 2024

Blending Americana and country in their own trademark way, Traveller are back with new single ‘Old Stories’. 

The group chat to CelebMix about what life has been like since 2016’s debut EP and what fans can expect from upcoming months’ exciting releases.

Q: Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to chat to CelebMix! What are you up to today? 

A: Unfortunately we all have day jobs for now but we are looking forward to rehearsing tonight, we have a few performances for the Edinburgh Festival this month. 

Q: It’s been a while since we last heard music from you, which was your debut EP “All This Time” back in 2016. How have you been? 

A: The band are in a really great place right now thanks. When we wrote and recorded our EP back in 2016 at a studio in Edinburgh, we did all of that in under four days. It was all kind of a bit rushed and after that we just got out there and played a load of live gigs. Our manager at that time got us a headline slot at King Tut’s in Glasgow which was a great night. We wanted to focus a bit more on our style and sound and so we spent a lot of time writing new material until it felt the right time to record again. Last year we worked with a really great producer, Angus Lyon, at this amazing little studio in the middle of the countryside just outside of Edinburgh, it’s such a great place to spend time being creative. That’s where all of our upcoming releases were recorded and produced. The writing and recording process has been great fun and we really feel like we have found our true north. 

Q: It’s great to have you back with new single ‘Old Stories’. We are big fans here at CelebMix, there’s something so homely about it. How did the track come about? 

A: Thanks so much, it’s great to hear that! ‘Old Stories’ is an old song that I [Gerry] wrote along with a load of other ideas that I’ve got written down in a pile of old notebooks. I played it to the band one day and they loved it. We rearranged it a bit and it turned out really well. The song is about going through life and searching for someone special to spend the rest of your life with. It’s about looking back and reflecting on all the things that make us who we are today and being happy.  


Q: What do you want fans to take from ‘Old Stories’? 

A: Songs can have all sorts of different interpretation’s sometimes but the main thing is that folk can listen to this and feel good in the moment with it. It’s a song about growing up and good times!  

Q: You’ve got a few more singles on the way too we hear. Can fans expect more of the same sound ahead of the next releases?  

A: There is definitely an Americana/Country feel to most of what we are writing now, maybe even a bit of indie folk. The band warm to that kind of feel and sound and make it our own. The next two singles and our album have certainly got those vibes going on. 

Q: And then there’s a new album in the works? How are you feeling ahead of putting out another full body of work? Nervous? Excited? 

A: We love writing and recording and just being creative. It feels great to share what we create with other folk and hopefully they will enjoy listening to what we do. It’s a rewarding experience and knowing that people feel it in the same way is a good thing. 


Q: Traveller have a really unique blend of genres going on in your sound. Is that something you strive for, or does it just happen naturally? 

A: We have a huge range of influences in the band that all come together under the umbrella of our Americana/Country feel. We really like that style of writing and when we write it just seems to come out that way. It was other folk who came to our shows that said we had an Americana Style sound. When we write it’s definitely a natural and spontaneous process. 

Q: Finally, for readers who might not yet have heard your work, how would you describe the band in a few words? 

A:  A Musical journey of life

Thank you to Traveller for their time.

Let us know your thoughts on our Q&A with Traveller on Twitter @CelebMix
