Donald Trump threw a tantrum at the NYC courthouse, but will he be Speaker?

Posted by Elina Uphoff on Friday, May 24, 2024

During the Biden administration, I can really go weeks, even months, without watching MSNBC. I just have faith in President Biden and Vice President Harris. I don’t have that pit in the bottom of my stomach every day like I did during the Trump years. All of which to say, there’s been so much happening this week, I’ve been back to watching MSNBC and the storylines are all converging. Donald Trump was in New York for his civil fraud trial, being prosecuted by New York AG Letitia James and her office. The judge already handed down a limited gag order on Trump, but that didn’t stop Trump from doing another unhinged press conference yesterday outside of the courtroom:

She covered it all – the ranting about the judge, the tantrum about how he’d rather be in Iowa, claiming that he was being forced into court (he wasn’t), then storming out and flying back to Mar-a-Lago. He’s big mad, mostly because Letitia James is coming after his reputation as a “rich guy,” and the whole house of cards is collapsing. Meanwhile, Trump’s House Republican sycophants are convinced that Trump should be the new Speaker of the House, following their hilarious success in ousting Kevin McCarthy. Trump was asked about that before he waddled back to Florida too, and he said:

“A lot of people have been calling me about speaker,” Trump said Wednesday morning outside a New York City courthouse for the third day of New York Attorney General Letitia James’ $250 million civil fraud trial against him. “All I can say is we will do whatever is best for the country and other Republican Party and people.” He added, however, that he is focused on winning back the presidency.

[From NBC News]

Chris Hayes made two good points last night on his show – one, that Trump would actually hate being Speaker because it’s a detail-oriented job with a lot of paperwork, and Trump famously hates paperwork. Two, if Trump became Speaker, it would actually remind Americans about how much they f–king hate this incompetent, fascist, white supremacist loser. Alas, it won’t happen. It will probably be Scalise or Jordan.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Donald Trump Addresses the Media During Financial Fraud Trial Featuring: Donald Trump Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Oct 2023 Credit: Janet Mayer/ Donald Trump Addresses the Media During Financial Fraud Trial Featuring: Donald Trump Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Oct 2023 Credit: Janet Mayer/ Donald Trump Addresses the Media During Financial Fraud Trial Featuring: Donald Trump Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Oct 2023 Credit: Janet Mayer/
Donald Trump Addresses the Media During Financial Fraud Trial Featuring: Donald Trump Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Oct 2023 Credit: Janet Mayer/ Donald Trump Addresses the Media During Financial Fraud Trial Featuring: Donald Trump Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Oct 2023 Credit: Janet Mayer/
