
Posted by Elina Uphoff on Monday, May 27, 2024

photo by Prphotos

Birth Name: Danielle Leigh Curiel

Place of Birth: Miami, Florida, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 20, 1994

Ethnicity: Dominican Republic [Spanish, Portuguese, African, some Indigenous]

DaniLeigh is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, and choreographer.

Her parents are from the Dominican Republic. She was discovered by Prince at age eighteen, and was the choreographer for his music video “Breakfast Can Wait.” DaniLeigh writes songs in Spanish as well as English, and has said that she is proud to represent her Dominican heritage. A picture of DaniLeigh’s parents can be seen here.

DaniLeigh has a daughter with rapper and songwriter DaBaby.

An AncestryDNA test whose results were displayed on Twitter stated that DaniLeigh’s genetic ancestry consists of:

*61% European
——–*27% Portugal
——–*19% Spain
——–*6% Italy
——–*2% Sardinia
——–*2% Germanic Europe
——–*1% European Jewish
——–*1% Norway
——–*1% Greece & the Balkans
——–*1% France
——–*1% Basque
*29% Sub-Saharan African
——–*12% Cameroon, Congo & Southern Bantu People
——–*5% Mali
——–*4% Benin & Togo
——–*4% Senegal
——–*3% Nigeria
——–*1% Eastern Bantu Peoples
*7% Indigenous
——–*3% Indigenous Americas-Colombia & Venezuela
——–*2% Indigenous Haiti & Dominican Republic
——–*2% Indigenous Americas-Yucatan Peninsula
*3% Middle Eastern and North African
——–*2% Northern Africa
——–*1% Middle East

Source: https://www.axs.com
